Das Mädchen Alice steht vor einer Hecke und ziehlt mit Pfeil und Bogen auf etwas.

stark! - Alice – Overcoming all Obstacles

Alice – Overcoming all Obstacles
Alice – Overcoming all Obstacles

Nine-year-old Alice from Dublin just wants to have fun again. She was very ill and couldn't do any sports for a long time. Now, she is training for a challenging obstacle course.

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Alice – Overcoming all Obstacles
  • ZDFtivi

Nine-year-old Alice from Dublin just wants to have fun again. She was very ill and couldn't do any sports for a long time. Now, she is training for a challenging obstacle course.

Since her cancer diagnosis a year ago, Alice had to give up many things: archery, running, and her time with the Sea Scouts. She also missed a lot of school. Now, she wants to return to a normal, happy life. She is looking forward to the competition.