Verbot des Islamischen Zentrums Hamburg

    Verbot des Islamischen Zentrums Hamburg

    von Sven Rieken
    German police secures the compound of the Imam Ali Mosque, dubbed 'The Blue Mosque', of the 'Zentrum der islamischen Kultur Hamburg e.V.' in Hamburg, Germany, 24 July 2024. Germany's Interior Ministry said on 24 July 2024, that it 'banned the 'Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg e.V. (IZH)' and its sub-organisations nationwide' as an extremist Islamist organisation which pursues anti-constitutional aims.' The ministry said that 53 of the organisation's premises in eight German states were being searched as of 24 July, in order to enforce the ban and 'uncover possible connections to other organisations'.

    Das Bundesinnenministerium hat den Verein Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg verboten, der seit Jahren vom Verfassungsschutz beobachtet wird. Juristisch keine einfache Angelegenheit.