Harte Einschnitte bei VW

    Harte Einschnitte bei VW

    Aerial view taken on October 28, 2024 shows the plant of German car maker Volkswagen (VW) in Zwickau, eastern Germany. Ailing auto giant Volkswagen plans to close at least three factories in Germany and slash tens of thousands of jobs as part of drastic cost-savings drive, workers' representatives said on October 28, 2024, calling the proposed cuts "of historic dimensions". The plan laid out by management, which affects the namesake VW brand, also includes a 10-percent pay cut for all staff, the company's powerful works council said in an update to staff.

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    Volkswagen ist Europas grösster Autobauer. Nun drohen den Mitarbeitenden schwere Einsparungen: 3 Werke in Deutschland sollen schließen, tausende Arbeitsplätze sind betroffen.