Schwere Unwetter erfassen die Schweiz

    Schwere Unwetter erfassen die Schweiz

    von Sven Class
    A picture taken with a drone of A13 highway between Lostallo and Soazza destroyed by the force of the Moesa river, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Lostallo, southern Switzerland, 22 June 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall had led to flooding after a landslide in the Misox valley. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions.

    Überflutete Straßen, evakuierte Häuser und vier verschüttete Menschen: Nach heftigen Regenfällen in den Kantonen Graubünden und Wallis ist die Lage in der Schweiz angespannt.